Different methods or ways to obtain strong typing in all your views.
All modals should extend from these props to obtain the types of closeModal
interface myModalType extends ModalProps {}
const MyComponent = (props: myModalType)...
// You can type the communication of waitFor, sendMessage, passing the type as an argument:
interface myModalType extends ModalProps<{message: string}> {}
You can type the props by passing ModalProps or the typing that waitFor, sendMessage will have as an argument
interface myModalType extends ModalProps {}
// Or
useModalProps<{ message: string }>();
Typed to define animations
const myCustomAnim = {
// Your animation...
} satisfies AnimConfig
ModalRoots automatically absorb the typing of generateModal, if a Root with multiple modals is generated, the props of these modals will be combined into the root.